看一眼新闻就明白了:世界需要懂得如何批判性思考的道德领袖, solve problems 和 communicate clearly.

Answer the call with a major in 道德与领导.

你会学会沟通, 解决冲突, reasoning 和 ethical analysis skills you can apply in any career. 通过参加商业社会责任和国际管理等课程,自信地应对商业中困难的道德状况. 在法律、医疗或环境伦理等其他领域发展专业知识. 一份必要的实习将教会你将课堂上学到的知识运用到课堂之外的世界, so you graduate prepared to make a difference.

For more information on the 道德与领导 major, please contact 杰克Musselman. The 道德与领导 major is part of the 哲学系.


Complete your BA in 道德与领导 和 Master's Degree (MSOL) with our pathway to receive two degrees in five years.

成功的教练学术顾问 指导学生完成本科和研究生课程,使学生受益最大化.

选择St .的8个理由. 爱德华的

St. 爱德华的是第一号. 8 Best Regional University in the West in the 2020 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 大学排名. In honor of our ranking, we share the 成为山顶者的主要原因.


In addition to interning with a business, government or nonprofit organization, you can get involved in a wide range of clubs on campus. Build your leadership skills 和 your network by joining student government, the campus newspaper or radio station, 商业俱乐部, the philosophy club or 校园部.


Your classes can teach you better decision making in different settings. 根据你的兴趣, you’ll take courses focused specifically on business; legal contexts; medicine 和 health care; or the environment 和 natural resources. 这些课程可以教你决策者如何做出更好的选择来促进公平和正义. 课堂上的案例研究将帮助你将你所学到的知识应用到现实生活中的困境中,并使你具备在大学之外的世界里自信地做出道德决策所需的技能.

沟通和商务课程将包括实践项目,将你所学到的知识应用到实践中. 例如:

  • In Social Responsibility of Business, 你将参加社区的服务活动,并就这一经历写一篇论文. 你还将在一个团队中为一家公司创造一种新的产品或服务,以满足服务不足社区的社会需求.
  • 在《365bet足球比分》中,你将做一个市场营销模拟,作为一项体验式学习任务.


拓宽你对商业决策是如何做出的以及领导力在不同文化中是如何变化的理解. You’ll be able to study abroad at more than 20 St. 爱德华的 partner universities across 5 continents. 或者通过其他国际教育机构在世界上几乎任何地方学习. You can also choose to intern abroad, helping increase your cultural agility, add to your skill set 和 exp和 your global network.


Associate Professor of 哲学 杰克Musselman explores the political, 在21世纪绿色生活的伦理和道德权衡,这是他的环境伦理课程的概述.